The three arms of King’s School that form part of our community are the Friends, the Foundation and the Old Boys’ Association. These work closely to assist the Headmaster and the Board to enrich the lives of each and every boy at King’s School.
The Friends’ Association continues to promote King’s School, support the Headmaster, staff and boys and organise activities which bring the school family together. The Friends assist with friend-raising and fundraising activities to support and provide practical assistance in many areas of the school.
The annual event on the top lawn welcoming all parents and staff at the beginning of the school year is always a very popular and special event.
The President and the Friends’ Committee are current parents who work together to ensure events and activities run smoothly providing social opportunities for our community. Events include Family Fun Days, Ladies' Lunches and Dads' Dinners as well as supporting the School with productions and the Year 8 boys' social.
The King’s School Foundation was launched in 1984 and is an integral part of the school family bringing together current, past and future supporters. The mission of the Foundation is to build and maintain an enduring fund to support the financial independence of King’s School. The overwhelming feature of the Foundation is that the capital raised remains sacrosanct. All contributions to the School have been funded from income derived from the capital base.
Grants to the School
The Foundation seeks to achieve its goal through the on-going provision of grants to King’s School for:
· capital projects,
· scholarships,
· staff professional development, and
· community enrichment activities.
Grants to the School since the launch of the Foundation total in excess of $12M. The Foundation has been a cornerstone donor to all the major projects at the School and most recently the Centennial Building. All donors to this project were welcomed as members of the Foundation. The Foundation Board of Management, in consultation with the Headmaster, provides invaluable support for staff professional development, in order to assist the School in providing the best all round education for all boys.
The King’s School Old Boys’ Association was formed in 1997 as part of the School’s 75th Jubilee celebrations. The Inaugural President said, "Our vision for the King’s School Old Boys’ Association is that it will provide a vehicle by which its members can maintain association with their school time contemporaries and with the place itself."
The Association continues to support the School’s Scholarship Programme and the Committee’s consistent approach has been that the scholarships to which it contributes are directed towards providing assistance to students who would for financial reasons be unable to attend King’s School.
A number of Old Boy Year Group reunion functions take place each year and are enthusiastically supported. Old Boys spanning many decades visit the school both individually and collectively to share their experiences. Some speak to the current boys at Headmaster’s assemblies, others visit the Archives to share their school day memories and assist with updating photographic records of their Year Groups. We also welcome a number of Old Boys back each year who have chosen to have their weddings and baptisms in the Chapel of the Holy Child.
The Old Boy of the Year Awards evening is held each year and is well attended by Old Boys from a wide range of age groups. The award was introduced in 2004 to honour Old Boys who have attained excellence in their chosen field and they have been expanded to include Honorary Old Boy Awards and Young Old Boy - Circle of Achievement Awards.
The association welcomes more than 100 new members each year. At the School's Year 8 Leavers’ Dinner held annually in December, the President welcomes the Year 8 boys as the youngest members of the Association and presents them each with an Old Boys’ tie.
We are continuously updating our Old Boys’ database so that we can keep you up to date with happenings at King's School and news from the Old Boys’ Association. If you have moved or changed your contact details recently, please click the button below to update your details.