The King’s School Foundation was launched in 1984 and is an integral part of the school family bringing together current, past and future supporters. The mission of the Foundation is to build and maintain an enduring fund to support the financial independence of King’s School. The overwhelming feature of the Foundation is that the capital raised remains sacrosanct. All contributions to the School have been funded from income derived from the capital base.
Grants to the School
The Foundation seeks to achieve its goal through the on-going provision of grants to King’s School for:
capital projects,
staff professional development, and
community enrichment activities.
Grants to the School since the launch of the Foundation total in excess of $12M. The Foundation has been a cornerstone donor to all the major projects at the School and most recently the Centennial Building. All donors to this project were welcomed as members of the Foundation. The Foundation Board of Management, in consultation with the Headmaster, is committed to supporting staff professional development, in order to assist the School in providing the best all round education for all boys.
Investment Philosophy and Approach
The Foundation’s approach to investment is governed by its Investment Policy Statement and is managed by the Finance & Investment Committee. The Finance & Investment Committee is comprised of Foundation Board Members with significant investment expertise. Investment advice is provided by Craigs Investment Partners.
There are currently in excess of 1,500 members of the Foundation. The financial contributions made, bequest intended, or quantified gift in kind, will determine the level of membership within the Foundation. Membership classes for the Foundation are as follows:
Minimum Value of Gift
Board of Management
The Foundation Board of Management comprises: no fewer than six or more than ten Board Members at any time. The Board of Governors retains the right to appoint one Board Member. Board Members are elected at the AGM.
The current members of the Board of Managment are:
Nick Caughey - President (Averill, 1969 - 1976, Finance and Investment Committee Member)
Jeremy Boucher
Matt Olde (Morris, 1978 - 1985, Finance and Investment Committee Director)
Paul Morris (Finance and Investment Committee Member)
Jonty Edgar (Finance and Investment Committee Member)
William Tietjens (Averill 1988 - 1992, Finance and Investment Committee Member)
Sophie Schwass
Edward Glennie (Marsden, 1981 - 1988)
The Headmaster, Tony Sissons, attends as an ex-officio member of the Board of Management.
The Foundation Board of Management meets formally each term to discuss the overall progress of the goals of the Foundation. Board Secretary, Brylee Bradley, also attends the Foundation Board Meetings.